Simply search for the song/s you like either by name, artist or genre, then add to the cart. (All songs can be viewed on the Shop Page ).
View your cart and if happy (don't forget you can delete any item you do not require) then proceed to checkout.
You will be asked to complete your details. We do not take or store any payment details from you! (For full details on how this information is stored or used please visit the Privacy Policy page ).
You then need to click the box that you agree to our Terms and Conditions (Full details can be found on our Terms and Conditions page ).
Payments are made via Stripe.
Payments will appear on your statement as 'WISHMUSIC'.
Your purchased sheet music will be emailed to you.
We hope you enjoy your experience with if you have any questions or need any help or advice please contact us through the contact page or email us:
Please note: All Drum Sheet Music transcriptions are interpretations of the drum part played. We have sourced these scores over the years and this site does not own any copyright to these transcriptions. The scores are notated by different sources and therefore do not comply to one notation guide only. We offer a no quibble money back guarantee. So don't ever be afraid of purchasing through us. has been set up by Wish Music.